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Jim Trimble: “ON AIR with Claude”

This is part of a series of videos we will be post­ing to our YouTube chan­nel over the next few weeks. Ten local sto­ry­tellers par­tic­i­pat­ed in the sec­ond annu­al “The Voices of Winchester: A Night of Storytelling” event was held on October 6, 2023, at the Leeds Center for the Arts in down­town Winchester. 

Jim Trimble, an ordained priest, served Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Winchester for over five years. Before serv­ing oth­er church­es in Kentucky and South Carolina, he worked at pub­lic radio sta­tions as pro­duc­er, host, and direc­tor. His belief in giv­ing peo­ple space to share their sto­ries breaks down bar­ri­ers, unites hearts, and grows com­mu­ni­ties. Jim recent­ly moved to New York state, where he serves as Rector of Saint John’s Episcopal Church.

Jim was one of our local sto­ry­tellers at the 2023 Voices of Winchester: A Night of Storytelling event.

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