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New art show featured at McEldowney Building

By Matt Cizek | The Winchester Sun 

When Adam Kidd, co-own­er of the McEldowney Building at 5 Cleveland Avenue and Project Administrator at DAM Holdings, began to seek mak­ing an impact in day-to-day Winchester, many ideas came to mind. 

“Our plan is and was and will be to have a free com­mu­ni­ty art space for artists to uti­lize and get their work in front of the pub­lic,” Kidd said. 

On Friday, April 12 one more such oppor­tu­ni­ty became a reality. 

The Gallery Above, a com­mu­ni­ty gallery space recent­ly opened inside the McEldowney Building, host­ed the open­ing of an art show titled “Come Original” from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  

“We’ve had so much suc­cess and inter­est [from] the last [show], we’re hav­ing a hard time keep­ing up with the amount of artists that want to par­tic­i­pate,” Kidd said. “It’s a group of younger artists that haven’t been seen here in Winchester before. We’re real­ly excit­ed to exhib­it their work and get [it] in front of the Winchester audience.” 

For those who attend­ed, a num­ber of menu items includ­ing appe­tiz­ers, desserts, drinks, and more were present. 

However, as to be expect­ed, what most stood out were the works of art dec­o­rat­ing the walls. 

Artists par­tic­i­pat­ing includ­ed Hannah Vasvary, JP Martin, Laura Simpson, Brandon Mullins, Jeremey Burch, Adam Blanton, Robin Fassas, Ren Elam, and Ashley Horsley. 

Geoff Murphy, an artist whose pre­vi­ous work in Winchester includes paint­ing a mur­al of for­mer Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on an out­side wall of Micki’s Irish Bar, pre­sent­ed four dif­fer­ent works of art. 

“Adam approached me with the idea to do this show, scale it down a lit­tle bit…and that’s how we came up with the idea of this,” Murphy said, not­ing that he had reached out to oth­er artists. “In one form or anoth­er, I’ve made my liv­ing mak­ing art of some kind…whether that be screen print­ing or sign mak­ing or wrap­ping vehi­cles or painting.” 

The show – which fea­tured near­ly 30 entries – gath­ered vis­i­tors from inside and out­side of Winchester. 

Among those attend­ing was fel­low local artist Jeffrey Hale, who spoke of the ben­e­fits art can provide. 

“I think it gives our com­mu­ni­ty an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the hard work of artists that live here and artists who are inter­est­ed in being part of our com­mu­ni­ty,” Hale said. “It’s beau­ti­ful [and] some­thing for Winchester to be proud of.” 

Kidd and oth­ers hope that arts will con­tin­ue to blos­som through­out Clark County. 

This sto­ry first appeared in The Winchester Sun.

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