Our 2024 fundraising campaign is underway!

Our Changing Course

After read­ing Harry Enoch’s ‘geneal­o­gy’ of Winchester, I was con­tem­plat­ing all the peo­ple I knew while grow­ing up and all those who came before – of the things they did, the seeds they plant­ed that have bloomed into a city we call Winchester. I was moved by a bit of sad­ness that they are not around today to see the fruits of their efforts.

Our Changing Course

If it were you in that phone booth,
where would you be going, who
would you be call­ing, mak­ing
clear your plans for din­ner – are
now thwart­ed expec­ta­tions,
mak­ing clear your mate­r­i­al

We make movies about our
frus­tra­tion, write books about
anx­i­ety, about what
we see, about what we feel,
about pro­filed struc­tures of
heroes find­ing heart, yet we
remain caught in the long­ings
of divine dis­con­tent,
with­out patience, nev­er see­ing
nature’s chang­ing course towards

There has nev­er been
nor ever will be
any­one exact­ly like you,
doing what you can do
in the only way only you can do;
why nature called you into
being – to do, to be, to change.
Faith requires dark­ness where
nev­er sees the flower.

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