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Zebra Swallowtail

National Pollinator Week was last week. Its pur­pose is to bring atten­tion to the impor­tance of pol­li­na­tors and to encour­age their pro­tec­tion. But real­ly, any week is a good week to appre­ci­ate our pollinators.

Butterflies are some of my favorite pol­li­na­tors. This zebra swal­low­tail had just land­ed and was extend­ing its pro­boscis to drink some nec­tar. Butterflies are so beau­ti­ful and del­i­cate look­ing, they are lit­er­al­ly fly­ing art pieces. With their amaz­ing meta­mor­pho­sis and the joy they bring us watch­ing them fly, it is under­stand­able that in cul­tures all around the world but­ter­flies rep­re­sent rebirth and hope.

We have sev­er­al zebra swal­low­tails flit­ting around our place right now. Their only host plant is the paw­paw and the ones we’re see­ing most like­ly spent the cater­pil­lar stage of their life in our paw­paw patch.

Zebra Swallowtail butterfly. Photo by Wes Moody.
Zebra Swallowtail but­ter­fly. Photo by Wes Moody. (Click to enlarge.)

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